Azalea City Avgals

Azalea City Avgals
On our way!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday's fun

This was supposed to be a quiet day in which we might smugly rest on our laurels. Alas, Ms. Lima's handicap flight will need to be reflown due to an equipment problem. Today's weather didn't cooperate, with low ceilings, morning fog, and a long line of other teams to fly this afternoon. So, we're hoping for a bright-and-early morning flights. 

Tonight's hangar party featured a fine barbecue buffet and a big-band group that's been playing the same music together (with a succession of members) since the 1940s. More incredible stories. One woman was a neuroscientist doing important MS research.When she retired from that, she went and got just about every pilot rating in the book, and is now happily teaching flying. Another contestant is a retired airline pilot who traded the family ranch in Montana for a big trawler, which she and her husband have skippered all the way around the eastern half of the United States. When she's not flying her little airplane or teaching flying, she lives aboard their boat on the Mississippi River. What a life!!

So the  meetings begin tomorrow. Hoping to pick up some good hints.

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