The preparations are moving along-- Linda has been out practicing her high-speed low approaches in Ms. Lima, dealing with airplane readiness and paperwork, designing our business cards, and consulting with Terry Carbonell, our Mother Bird.
Terry flies her Cessna 182 up from her Florida home once a month to meet with some 50 or 60 girls from the South Alabama Boys and Girls Club, as they explore the joys and possibilities of aviation. After six months of talking about flying, the girls will be following the Air Race, adopting a team to follow, cheering us all on, and meeting us at the finish line. More on this to come.
As for her contribution to this whole thing, Mimi, mostly from her perch in North Carolina, has been eagerly anticipating, reading, compiling checklists, and figuring out the complexities of a new camera purchased in honor of the occasion. She has let her fingers do the flying- with a mouse moving over satellite images of the route- and says it's going to be some amazing territory!.
Mimi plans to be in Mobile for a few days in mid-April to compare notes, and looks forward to another chance to do some real flying. After that, it may be mid-June headed for IOW before we can get together again, unless Ms. Lima can be coaxed to fly northeast for a pretty spring week.
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